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Cayman Commodities & Derivatives Centre, the future of trade 

Get Started Today!

Trade from a Tax-Exempt Special Economic Zone.

Cayman Commodities & Derivatives Centre (CCDC), a special economic zone developed by Cayman Enterprise City (CEC), is designed as a centralised global commodity and derivatives market and the first dedicated commodities and derivatives centre in the Americas’ time zone.

CCDC offers the mechanism for financial services businesses of all sizes and stages of development to establish a genuine physical presence quickly and efficiently in the Cayman Islands.


CCDC Benefits 

Access a full complement of global exchanges, surround yourself with like-minded Investment Managers, Fund Managers, Virtual Asset Traders, Prop Traders — and benefit from being a part of a vibrant commodities and derivatives ecosystem.

  • 100% foreign ownership permitted
  • Well-regulated business environment and globally recognised free zone
  • Secure, Efficient and Reliable IT Infrastructure 
  • No local corporate, income, sales capital gains or payroll tax
  • 100% exemption from import duties
  • Fast, efficient, and cost-effective set up within 4-6 weeks
  • 5 Year renewable work permits/residency visas granted within 5 days
  • 5 year residency for employees and their dependents
  • A safe, stable British Overseas Territory with robust laws
  • Intellectual property owned offshore
  • Excellent service providers to support your business
  • Easy access to North and Latin America markets
  • Ongoing support

CCDC Members

Hundreds of financial services sector companies have taken advantage of CCDC’s investment incentives, unrestrictive immigration pathways, business support, and turn-key solutions. Approximately 75% of companies established within CCDC are either proprietary investors or managers of virtual assets focused funds.

Strategic Partners

CIMAuthority LOGO
The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) issues and redeems the Cayman Islands currency and plays an advisory and regulatory role. CIMA also focuses on protecting the reputation of the Cayman Islands as an International Financial Centre.
Committed to continually enhancing the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority's position as a financial services regulator.
Cayman Isle Stock Exchange LOGO

The Cayman Islands Stock Exchange (CSX) is a leading, globally focused, specialist exchange for various sophisticated products. Their focus is on being an efficient gateway to global markets. As such, the CSX is known for the broad array of companies that access the Exchange, including leading global financial institutions, emerging technology and life sciences companies, as well as some of the world’s most successful hedge funds. The CSX currently has listed more than 5,611 securities and maintains a market capitalisation of more than US$372 billion.

Strategic Wealth Preservation LOGO

Cayman Enterprise City has teamed up with Strategic Wealth Preservation (SWP), to further broaden the scope of readily available services to its clients. A fully-integrated precious metals dealer and secure storage facility headquartered in the Cayman Islands. Considered to be one of the premier secure storage facilities in the world, SWP provides its clients with a two-way trading market for physical gold and silver bullion. SWP also offers cold storage for data, cryptocurrency and other valuable assets.

I highly recommend setting up with CEC. CEC allows for a swift set up and they handle many business-related items allowing you to focus on your business.

Cayman Enterprise City is very helpful with hiring talent on island, finding a home, setting up a bank account, bringing your pet and even finding your kids a school to attend.

Mike Philbrick
Co-Founder and President of ReSolve Asset Management SEZC

We were one of the first 50 businesses to establish a business within Cayman Enterprise City.

We were looking at jurisdictions all over the world and Cayman offered really big factors for us. The tax neutrality has allowed us to build out the business.

Kyle Floyd
Chief Executive Officer at SilverStream SEZC

It’s nice to be in an environment that not only promotes your business but gives you so many other opportunities to grow and connect in other sectors.

The tax neutral jurisdiction also enables us to reinvest more of our revenue back into the company.

Adam Lambert
Managing Director at Zimtra Asset Management

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